The DARK MATTER should be called TRANSPARENT MATTER. I propose a baryonic solution. 14 milliard years since the big-bang are not sufficient for a baryonic solution. The introduction to THE PAPER repeats and details derivation of paradigm shift presented in IARD2012 that increase the time since CMB to 90 milliard years. The PAPER of IARD2018 shows fast production of He4 in quasars+AGNs and fast dispersion by their jets. The PRESENTATION and the PAPER explain in detail how this explains the DARK MATTER as the TRANSPARENT MATTER, and consequently explain the resulting structure and EVOLUTION of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and the large CELL STRUCTURE of the universe, all not-yet-understood, and additional observations. It is not easy to understand, because the explanations involve rotation issues, and in particular the implications of the law of conservation of the angular momentum.